Do Granite Countertops Improve Your Home’s Value?

Granite countertops are the gold standard in home finishes, prized by discerning homeowners throughout the Intermountain West.

granite countertop

Ask any homeowner how they would upgrade their home if money was no object and you’ll find that adding custom granite is at the top of the list for most of them. So, when they set out to buy a new house, this is frequently on the “must have” list of amenities.

But, just because granite countertops are popular, does that mean they will improve your home’s value? In most cases, the answer is a resounding “yes.”

Will Granite Countertops Make Your Home Easier to Sell?

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) lists upgrading your countertops as one of the seven most important steps a home seller can take to help make a great first impression on potential buyers.

The NAR also lists a minor kitchen renovation – which includes a countertop upgrade – as one of the best renovations you can make to your home right now. In fact, it returns (on average) more than 80 percent of your investment. Against a national average of about 63 percent return on investment (ROI), this is a very positive statistic.

So, not only will adding granite countertops make your home easier to sell, but it will also provide an exceptional ROI.

Will Granite Countertops Bring a Higher Sale Price?

The value that custom granite adds to your home will depend on where your home is located, what the real estate market is doing at the time and the price point of the property. A Realtor® can tell you specifically how much this highly coveted finish will add to the potential sale price of your home.

However, the general perspective on this question is that you will add an amount to your home’s value equivalent to at least 25 percent of the retail cost of the countertops. Some real estate agents suggest discounting the value of a home with laminate tops versus granite in the range of $15,000 to $20,000.

Although these figures are estimated on a general basis throughout the U.S., you might be delighted to find how much this upgrade could improve the va

lue of your Utah, Idaho or Wyoming home.

Should You Add Custom Granite Countertops in Your Home?

If you’re considering a kitchen remodel, using granite for your kitchen countertops probably makes good financial sense, both in terms of value and salability of your house.

But, more important, you may want to add custom natural stone counters to your home for yourself. The beauty, durability and ease of use will improve your quality of life for as long as you own your home. The ROI and potential to attract potential buyers will be a bonus when the time comes.

In Idaho, Wyoming and Utah, Creative Granite provides custom cabinetry and countertops for residential and commercial clients. Contact us today to request a custom quote for granite countertops.

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